Business culture varies in all countries of ethical and work consideration. The organizational culture is an amalgamation of underlying ideas, themes, beliefs, and values. It is enshrined in the mechanisms of contributing with other people and organizations. Every organization has a different Intra and inter culture. The organizational culture takes shape from the philosophy and ideas of the organization which embeds its base. The social beliefs shared ideas, and assumptions about life also formulate a distinctive space for a successful business enterprise. So, organizations adopt culture according to their need. On the other hand, the organizational culture of different companies is combined and it makes the business culture of a country and community. So, the organizational culture is part of business culture. It takes light from office procedures, working habits, routines, social customs, and norms around which the business is organized.
The creation of the organizational culture is not a one-sided approach. The leaders have a clear lead and power in the business sector. They make decisions. Their ideas get value and resonance in the overall business arena. On the other hand, people working within the organizations also play their role to reframe and reshape the work culture. For instance, the lower staff and employees have a vivid and salubrious edge at the implementation phase. So, the decisions of the high-ups can not be devoid of the specific input from the workers. This close relationship among different members of the organizations makes the organizational culture a multifacet and manifold construct.
The leaders should play a vital and pivotal role in determining the business and organizational culture. Their influence develops positive consequences for the working routines within the organizations. A lead leads the organizations through the complex process of change. Leaders create a suitable environment for change. They engage with all the segments of the organizations. In this regard, a steadfast lead having command over excellent communication skills play a commendable role. Moreover, the strategy shaping and making a resolute space for the change also falls under the ambivalence of the leaders.
On the other hand, a successful business leader helps the employees to enhance their skills. It is necessarily a contribution towards the eventual success of the company. It would also safeguard the interests of the organization as well. In this regard, the employees are trained to remain dedicated to the organization. The investment in the human capital generates a gesture of goodwill among the employees. They perceive themselves as part of the organizations. So, they become effective contributors towards the eventual development of the organization on the trajectory of business success.
On the other hand, the workplace culture varies according to the prevailing ideational leaning of the organizations. Some organizations are prone to inculcate change through gradual implementation. Whereas, others try to leap forward through an incessant approach. Both of these mechanisms yield different results in the long term.
Organizations have both personal and market cultures. The person culture is based on the horizontal division of the workers. The individual is the asset in this type of underpinning. The workers get preface in the decision-making. Their welfare and ideas get proper treatment from the managerial level staff. At this level, the individual is the center of the ideas. Whereas, it is hard to implement and work at this level. Because ensuring fair treatment of every worker is not an easy feat. On the other hand, the market culture works on the presentation of interests as the supreme objective. The maximum output is the ultimate requirement at this level. No one is free from the strings attached. The market culture does not allow liberty and freedom at the levels of individual culture.
Contrary to it, the adoptive and ad hoc cultures have their specific benefits and pitfalls. For instance, the adaptive culture is long-term in nature. It remains part of the business and working of the organizations for a long-time. It is inclusive in nature. It gives ultimate preference to the action. The organizations working under this culture can somehow sacrifice their short term objectives for the sake of the vision of the company. On the other hand, ad hoc culture is temporary. It is devoid of any serious vision. The entrepreneurial makes it’s temporary. It does not entertain the claims which are egalitarian and moralistic in outlook.
Whereas, the power culture and role culture are different from each other according to their impact on the working within the organizations. Power is the ability to influence and change the behavior of others. In organizations, power flows from the top management. The lower level staff is the recipient of the decisions. They do not play an equivocal role. They remain desolate and isolated in the decision-making stream. The top-management decides and the lower level staff follows. On the other hand, the role culture is somehow different from the power culture in its orientation and outlook. It believes in determined role. Every person has specific responsibility. Power flows in a salubrious way. The end goals are the main rational in this culture.
Whereas, the organizational culture is not a stagnant. It changes under the internal and external influences. The people working within the organizations contribute towards adopting new values and ideas. The changes in the operational capacity and capability also influences the philosophy of the organizations. Every new idea in the organization brings a ray of change and onus of development.
Formulation of a vivid strategic vision is essential to implement a workable organizational culture. It includes long term goals and short term objectives. The strategy is based on the comprehension of the internal and external influencing the company. So, the estimation of loss and profit are the basic underpinnings. It shows the intention to revoke the previous ideas. Moreover, it also high lights, the dedication for a lasting and permentt change.
Organizational Culture in UK
UK business environment favors the generalization over the specialization. The people who can perform various tasks are entitled to more oportuntiies. The academic background and education does not get overt preference over the skills. In the business organizations, people find more space for them because of their skills. The management of the employees is the top tasks of the managers. Performing inter-related tasks within the organization also empower the managers. So, there is no special treatment for people hailing from narrow skill set.
On the other hand, the use of language in the UK is indirect. The management does not give vivid instructions to the workers. Allusionary messages profound in the official communication. The nimble approach is because of preference to ethics and moral assumptions. The management is always polite with the workers. So, there is no clear show of coercive means to ask employees to perform different tasks.
Moreover, the meeting culture is prevalent in the UK. All the organizations engage in long meetings. Results of the most of such meeting are inconclusive. But it is part of the long-term British traditions to hold meetings for reaching decisions. Whereas, meetings are a nuanced source of increading the mutual understanding. The officials know each other. They form the bond of understanding and the mutual compassion. So, they easily deal with each other in a coridal way. Moreover, the business meetings are also source of brainstorming. People having different ideas and themes sit together. They share concerns and devise solutions to the problems which create raucous. In addition, the meetings are also source of comprehending mutual disagreements. The creative solutions and new themes also get origin from the regular meeting among the members of staff.
On the other hand, the idea of regular meetings increase the level of accountability. Organizations can not dissoloate themselves from the process of fair transfer of tasks and ideas. The chances of malpractices are always prevalent. The process of face to face meetings can safeguard from such issues. The workers and the authorities can reach a commonly arrived conclusions. So, the division of tasks become easy. The meetings help to shape overall framework of the company’s line of action. People working in the different section become aware of the overall trajectory of the work.
Moreover, the regular meetings give a shared purpose to the employees. They get familiarized with each other. They would develop a program of action to attain the desired results. The mutual discording points also wipe out through the incessant engagement in the business meetings. And it has been helping the companies in the UK.
On the other hand, businesses in the UK value the spirit of working in teams. Despite the scope and the size of businesses, the business operations are compartmentalized. The officials have shared vision and sense of accountability. And they have to work under a disciplined routine. They can not be awary of the prevailing circumstances in anyway. The framework of teams helps them to work in a comprehensive towards the ends. There are several benefits of the teams in the realm of business .
Great ideas are result of long process of intuitive thinking and developing cohesion. In the business centric environment, several minds can generate what cannot be done by single person. So, the teams are place where novel and workable ideas get shape. The process of interaction create cohesive situation. The employees having variable official responsibilities would share a theme. Their thinking would take to the epic of rationale and the logical conclusion.
On the other hand, the difference of perspective is a vivid key of success and development in the business. The workers having diverse and diverging experiences can create a solution which is mutually acceptable. The long and conflicting sessions of the arguments would develop a cohesion of stance. It also leads to creation of a unanimous vision and mission of the organizations. People of different mind sets give ideas that contradictory. Yet the combination of all these themes create a situation where the most nuanced and the intricate aspect gets the deciding position.
Moreover, the team work has been benefiting the members of organizations in terms of personal and organizational development. The working culture in teams empower members. They can devise new solutions. They share the moments of happiness. They resolute to accept loss or win together is also crucial in creating a salubrious mindset. Even the most conservative and the iconoclast people become member of a team. It helps them to create firm bonding. And it has capacity to grow the skills of the individuals. They decipher each other.
In addition, the team work is a source of getting work done and enhance the productivity. Lone members are in perturbing positions to reach clear decisions. They face serious ramifications for their decisions. So, they have to extra careful and vigilant. On the other hand, the onus of responsibility is shared among the members. There are no individual pressure on the workers to attain the goals. So, they can work freely. And it gives them ability to revoke the fears. Overall, it leads to enhanced levels of the personal and individual growth in the business sector.
Similarly, working in teams also reduce the chances of stress. Every member feels equal responsibility. The work pressure is evenly divided. The feelings of resentment against the authority are also absent. No one feels isolated. The division of tasks empower individual to remain steadfast. So, they become result oriented. And the overall environment supports their understanding.
On the other hand, the role and importance of the communication is nimble and inevitable in any organization. The transfer of information is essential for implementing the vision and mission of the organizations. There are several channels of the communication. But success depends on both formal and informal channels. The firms where communication is effective, the success and growth of is part and parcel of their outlook.
Communication builds trust. It creates bonds of affection and antimacy. Every human needs a relation of trust with every other person to pursue the goal of collective interests. There is no room for apathy in the organizations. So, the effective communication is the nuanced tool of building trust and generating feelings of good will. It helps to shape the social and economic outlook of the companies. The bonds of trust and understanding can only be achieved when the rank and file of the organization is cognizant of the communication. Whereas, it is the responsibility of the management to generate conducive and effective environment for the free flow of information.
Moreover, the communication process helps to resolve the problem. It revokes the mutual differcnes. People having different ideas can exhibit a relationship of respect and affection through the process of communication. They can reduce the intensity of the mutual issues. It furthers the agenda of the company in the positive direction. As the recalcitrant elements are tamed. So, the resonation of respect and mutual coordination takes place within the organizational frame of reference.
The free and effective flow of ideas throughout the organizations help to develop new ideas and create themes. It devises ways and means to outsmart the chances of conflict. People can work to reduce their mutual tensions. Communication gives credance to impart new and effective ideas. It soothes the way for corrective and constructivst criticism as well. So, it helps to navigate the way through lens of logic and rationality.
In addition, communication creates better relationships which enhance the productivity of the companies. It is essential ingredient of any organization. The element of respect, fair treatment, and listening to the demands and pleas of the staff is essential for the company. It can only occur when the communication channels are open. People enjoying freedom to express themselves in the meetings and sessions would be better able enhance their collaboration for the success of company. Moreover, the mutual relations among the workers also get empitus and glorious reformation through effective communication. Overall, the communication is a way forward for reducing the outstanding tensions within the organizations.
In the similar context, effective communication helps to shape a culture of team work. It happens because the people of different backgrounds can share their different views. The agreement on a singular agenda develops vision. So, the objectives can be achieved without sprouts of resentment.
Apart from it, the business organizations have different and diverging rules for the dress code. Appearance plays a significant role in the persona of any person. So, organizations try to ensure a dress code which is not suitable but also conducive. In most of the organizations, formality is valued. But the recent research has shown that giving choices in the dress code should be weighed.
Organizational culture mostly favor formal dress code over the comfortable. The middle rank companies are more into formality. They present their workers as embodiment of the sophistication of the company. Whereas, the large scale and multinational organizations are moving always from this trend. They are given more credence and value to the comfort of the workers. It has several benefits for the workers as well as the organizations. Firstly, the comfortable dress code ensures that the employee feels relaxed. So, performing the officials tasks become easily. The workers do not have to focus on the dress management. Moreover, the can save their hard money. Similarly, the relaxation in the dress code ensures workers are flexible in their choices. They would be able to create a glance of creative appearance.
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